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Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia (Rev. 3:7-13)

Outline: The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13)
  1. Affirmation (v.8)
  2. Earth-bound promises (vv.9-10)
  3. Exhortation (v.11)
  4. Heaven-bound Promise (vv.12-13)
Summary:  We now focus our study on Jesus' letter to the church in Philadelphia.  Philadelphia, like Smyrna, was a healthy church.  Therefore, Jesus did not speak words of rebuke, correction, and warning but words of affirmation followed by promises that were designed to encouraged and inspire them to stay their faithful course.  Jesus promised to help them triumph and endure the sufferings of this life and to lavish blessing on them in the next life if they conquer, that is, if they continue in patient endurance to the end.         

Main Point:  All churches and Christians are called to conquer, that is, to patiently endure suffering and trials though faith-filled obedience to Jesus.

Discussion Questions:
  • Is v.7b an accurate, one-sentence summary of John's vision of Jesus in 1:12-20? Explain. 
  • What is the church of Philadelphia affirmed for in v.8?
  • What is the relationship between keeping Jesus' word and not denying Jesus' name?
  • How is it possible that Philadelphia had "little power" yet was considered a healthy church?
  • What earth-bound promises did Jesus give (vv.9-10)? What effect are they meant to have?
  • Jesus exhorted Philadelphia (v.11)? Why do even healthy churches/Christians need such exhortations?
  • What heaven-bound promises did Jesus give (vv.12-13)? What effect are they meant to have?
  • What promise is particularly meaningful to you right now and how might you use it as motivation to patiently endure in the midst of your present circumstances?
  • What form does conquering take in the first five churches? How about for Philadelphia?
Application Questions:
  • What am I clinging to in order to make it through? What does this reveal about my heart?
  • How am I obeying God's word in the midsts of my circumstances? 
  • What is it going to take for me to patiently endure to the end?
  • How is my weakness an opportunity for God to show His power? (cf. 2 Cor. 12:9-10)
  • What brother or sister is currently in special need of endurance? What can I do to encourage them? 
Prayer Points:
  • Praise Jesus for using His loving authority to open and keep open the door of salvation to us
  • Praise Jesus for His power and acknowledge His ability help us endure in the midst of trials
  • Ask God to help us not be disheartened by our weakness but to trust all the more in His power