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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I Am a New Creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17-21)

  1.  New Creation
  2.  Reconciliation
  3.  Ambassador

Summary: Two weeks ago we sought to understand the biblical view of meditation. Last week we were given practical instruction on how to meditate and the necessity of meditating on specifically the gospel. This week we meditated on the three fundamental identities that are true of anyone who is in Christ. Our first meditation was that we are new creations in Christ Jesus. This is an act of God causing us to be born again. Our second meditation was that we have been reconciled. We saw that this essentially means that Christ has become our sin while simultaneously imputing or crediting his righteousness to our account. Our final meditation was that we are ambassadors for Christ. We have been entrusted with the work of bringing the gospel to a dying world. We have been called to be faithful ambassadors by proclaiming and protecting the gospel.

Main Point: For anyone who is in Christ God has made us new creatures, reconciled us to God and appointed us as his ambassadors.

Discussion Questions:
  •   What does it mean to be a new creation (v.17)?
  •   Meditate on the caterpillar/butterfly transformation and/or the birth of a new baby and how it points our new birth.
  •  How have we been reconciled to God (v.21)?
  •  What is an ambassador?
  •  What does it mean to be Christ’s ambassador (v.20)?

Application Questions:
Meditate on these three realities (and their scripture references) until you can clearly articulate their meaning, have become sweet to your soul, and you have a resolution to live out in your life:
  1.   We are a new creation in Christ Jesus (v.17)
  2.   We have been reconciled to God (vv.18, 19, 21)
  3.   We are ambassadors of Christ (v.20)

Prayer Points:
  •  Thank God for the work of new birth he has done in our hearts
  •  Praise God for sending his Son to take your sin upon his shoulders and in giving his righteousness to you.
  •  Confess any way you have not been a faithful ambassador of Christ.
  •  Ask that through the Holy Spirit these realities would shape our hearts and our minds.
   Written by Caleb Janson