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Monday, April 11, 2016

Christian Simplicity: Part 1 (Matt. 6:19-21)

Outline: Matthew 6:19-21

Two treasures:
  1. Treasures on earth (v.19)
  2. Treasures in heaven (v.20)
  3. Treasure principle (v.21)

We have seen that Jesus came to bring about radical obedience in His followers (Matt. 5:1-48, esp. vv.19-20, 48), an obedience that is to be fueled by pure motives (Matt. 6:1-18, esp. vv.1,3-4, 6, 9-10, 17-18).  Now in Matt. 6:19-24, Jesus fuses radical obedience and pure motives together in order to call His followers to a life of simplicity, that is, a life of single-minded devotion to God.  In order to make His point, Jesus utilizes three couplets: two treasures, two visions, two masters.  In this sermon we considered the two treasures, where Jesus teaches us not to store up material treasures on earth but rather to store up spiritual treasures in heaven because He wants to ensure that our hearts are in a safe place.  

Discussion Questions:
  • What are earthly treasures and why does Jesus command us not to store them up?
    • What is Jesus not prohibiting in v.19?
    • How does Jesus' parable in Luke 12:16-21 illustrate this command?
  • What are spiritual treasures and why does Jesus command us to store them up?
  • Describe the treasure principle of v.21 in your own words.
  • How is this a call to a life of simplicity, a life of single-minded devotion to God?
  • Are these commands loving or unloving?  Explain.
  • Reflect on this statement: "Jesus is the best financial advisor in the universe."
  • How might a material treasure become a means of storing up spiritual treasure?
  • What are some practical ways we might learn to be rich toward God?
Application Questions:
  • Honestly, am I being rich toward myself or rich toward God?
  • What material things am I most prone to hoard? What changes is God calling me to make?
  • How might I cultivate both short and long-term generosity?
  • How might I cultivate simplicity (learn contentment, detach from stuff, cap expenses, and grow in the ability to discern how to best use God's money)?
  • How can I simultaneously attack debt and cultivate generosity?
  • Think trajectory: how can I grow in generosity each year as I get closer and closer to seeing my Lord Jesus face-to-face?
Prayer Points:
  • Confess ways you have been rich toward yourself and stingy toward God
  • Praise Jesus for becoming poor and dying on a cross so that you might become rich toward God and inherit eternity!
  • Ask God to help you to, by the power of the Holy Spirit, break any sinful habits of hoarding material possessions and to help you learn to store up spiritual treasures in heaven.