Outline: Matthew
- Pharisee’s Interpretation
- Jesus’ Interpretation
- Jesus’ Illustrations
Summary: Jesus’
fulfillment of the OT should cause us to excel in our obedience to the OT in
such a way that exceeds the surface “obedience” of the scribes and Pharisees (Matt.
5:20). Jesus addresses the issue of retaliation in his fifth example of the
type of heart-obedience God desires. The Pharisees missed the heart of God in
their interpretation of the law, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
The Pharisee’s interpreted this law to justify their personal vengeance,
something this law was never meant to do (Lev. 19:18). This law meant that when
someone committed an offense, the courts and the judges had the authority to
administer fair and equal punishment to the offending party. Jesus, however,
brings us back to the heart of God’s law, which is love. Jesus cares about our
reaction when an offense is done against us. He is calling us to respond in
love by laying down our rights and dying to self. He then gives us four
illustrations of rights that we have and how we should respond when others are
infringing upon them.
Discussion Questions:
- How did the Pharisees understand the retaliation laws of the OT (Ex. 21:24; Lev. 24:20; Deut. 19:21)?
- What does Jesus teach about retaliation (v.39a)?
- What were the rights Jesus used to illustrate his teaching with (v.39-42)?
- What response is Jesus looking for when these rights are being infringed upon?
- How has Jesus been our perfect example when it comes to responding well to mistreatment? (1 Peter 2:23; Isa. 50:6; Phil 2:5-8)?
- How would you describe the heart of Jesus’ teaching with a simple phrase?
- How would you counsel someone who is tempted to retaliate?
Application Questions
- How do you typically respond when someone infringes on your rights or offends you?
- Of the four rights Jesus illustrates for us (dignity, possessions, time, money), which do you find to be the most challenging to lay down?
- Within your current relationships are there any rights that are being disrespected? How is Jesus calling you to respond?
Prayer Points
- Confess any sinful responses that you have had in times of offense.
- Praise God that He does not respond with retaliation when we sin.
- Praise God that He has sent His Holy Spirit to help us obey well in times of mistreatment.
- Ask God to make you someone who lives out the gospel in the way you react to offense.