- The Pharisees' take on how enemies should be treated (v.43)
- Jesus' take on how enemies should be treated (vv.44)
- Why should we love our enemies (vv45-48)?
Summary: Jesus' fulfillment of the OT should cause us to excel in our obedience to the OT, which is what Jesus again calls us to do in His sixth and final example of genuine obedience that exceeds the surface "obedience" of the scribes and pharisees (5:20). Just when we thought the call to obedience could not be any more demanding, Jesus stretches our love to cover even our enemies. Jesus teaches us not only to avoid returning evil for evil (vv.38-42) but to return good for evil. The pharisees taught that the law justified hating our enemies (v.43). Jesus, however, recovers the true direction of the law by teaching us that we are to go out of our way to do good and show tangible acts of kindness even to those who seek our harm (v.44; cf. Ex. 23:4; Lk. 6:27-36). But why should we love our enemies? Answer: because God loves His enemies (v.45). And when God's children love their enemies, they bear their heavenly Father's resemblance, they reflect His character, which is the purpose of our existence (Gen. 1:26-28; Isa. 43:7) and the very thing that makes us distinct in the world (Matt. 5:13-16, 45-48; Eph. 5:1; Phil. 2:15).
Discussion Questions:
- What was the Pharisees' take on how enemies should be treated (v. 43)?
- What was Jesus' take on how enemies should be treated? (v.44; cf. Lev. 19:18; Ex. 23:4)?
- Define these key terms: "enemy" and "love" (cf. Luke 6:27-30).
- Why should we love our enemies (v.45)?
- How does our heavenly Father love His enemies? Hint: think common grace and gospel grace?
- How do vv.46-47 relate to v.45?
- In vv.46-47, what are the implied answers to Jesus' questions? Explain.
- Reflect on and discuss this quote by Alfred Plummer: "To return evil for good is devilish; to return good for good is human; to return good for evil is divine."
Application Questions:
- How do I typically respond to people who mistreat me? How should God's common grace and gospel grace shown toward me shape the way I show love toward my enemies?
- In terms of loving my enemies, what more am I doing than others? What makes my love distinct form the unbelievers around me?
- How important is it to me that I reflect my heavenly Father's character?
Prayer Points:
- Confess any way you have failed love your enemies and reflect your Father's character.
- Praise God for both the common grace and gospel grace He has shown you in your life.
- Ask God to help you shine by reflecting His character, especially in your love toward enemies.