- The Pharisees' take on divorce (v.31)
- Jesus' take on divorce (v.32)
- The heart of the law (19:3-9)
- Q & A
Summary: Jesus' fulfillment of the OT should cause us to excel in our obedience to the OT in such a way that exceeds the surface "obedience" of the scribes and pharisees (5:20). Jesus gives a third example of the type of heart-obedience he desires by explaining and applying the law "Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce" (cf. Deut. 24:1-4). The scribes and pharisees taught people that divorce was legitimate on a variety of grounds, but Jesus brings us back to the heart of this law, teaching us that a divorce is legitimate only on the exceedingly narrow ground sexual immorality. We should not hunt for grounds for divorce (as the pharisees did); rather, we should seek to understand and honor God's original design for marriage (Matt. 19:3-9).
Discussion Questions:
- What was the Pharisees' take on divorce? (v.31; cf. Deut. 24:1-4)
- What was Jesus' take on divorce? (v.32)
- How does divorcing one's spouse on unbiblical grounds create a chain reaction of sin?
- Would there be any ground for divorce if 5:27-30 was taken to heart and obeyed? Explain.
- What does the exchange between the Pharisees and Jesus in 19:3-9 teach us about God's heart on the issue of divorce?
- How should Jesus' teaching shape the way we think about marriage and divorce?
- Exercise: think of difficult marriage situations and consider what loving counsel you might give to them in light of their situation and God's heart for marriage.
Application Questions:
- How clear is my understanding of marriage and divorce from a biblical standpoint?
- What shapes my view of divorce most: my life experience, my culture, or my Lord? Explain.
- How am I honoring God's original design for marriage in my thinking and my living?
Prayer Points:
- Confess any way you have failed to honor God's original design for marriage.
- Praise Jesus that he will never divorce us and that he is faithful when we are faithless.
- Praise God for his good, wise and loving design for marriage.
- Ask God to help you honor his original design for marriage in your thinking and living.
- Ask God to help you give wise and loving counsel that might help strengthen marriages.