Diagnostic questions designed to help detect a love of money in my heart*:
- Do I think more about how much money I make or the quality of my service?
- Am I ungrateful for the basic necessities of life and feel entitled to more than the basics?
- Am I generally dissatisfied with what I do have and find myself craving what don’t have?
- Do I desire to get more money so that I can buy things in order to flaunt them?
- Do I let an eternal perspective shape the way I view my money?
- Do I resent giving money?
- Am I willing to sin to get money?
- In what current circumstances am I most temped to be discontent?
- What do I do when I sense discontentment in my heart?
- Have I redefined what is entailed in God's goodness?
- Am I believing that God is not being generous to me?
- How aware am I that God's provisions are meant to fuel God's mission (His glory, His kingdom, His will)?
- What are things that I seem to be trying to find security in above and beyond basic necessities mentioned in 1 Tim. 6:8?
Truths about God to help me fight for contentment:
- Remember that God promised to give you all you need to honor His name, advance His kingdom, and do His will (Matt. 6:9-11)
- Remember that God knows best and is keenly aware of your real needs (Matt. 6:8; 32)
- Remember that God is an attentive and generous Father (Matt. 7:7-11)
- Remember that God will supply all your needs as you live on mission (Phil. 4:19)
- Remember that God did not spare his own Son (Rom. 8:32)
- Remember that God will never leave you or forsake you (Heb. 13:5)
- Remember that you have the Spirit of the content one inside you (2 Tim. 1:7)
*Note: A few of the these questions were adapted from John McArthur's questions mentioned in his sermon on this text.