Outline: A Charge to the Rich (1 Tim. 6:17-19):
- The dangers that come with being rich (v.17a)
- The responsibilities that come with being rich (vv.17b-18)
- The eternal perspective that defines what it means to be truly rich (v.19)
Summary: We have learned about how contentment is cultivated when we humbly agree with God about what our real needs actually are, about the temporary and fleeting nature of money and possessions, and about the genuine gain that comes from living a godly life protected and purified by contentment (6:6-8). But one thing is painfully obvious (especially in on our intensely materialistic culture): contentment will not be attained without a fight. Therefore, Christians must engage in a life-long fight for contentment, a fight which calls for both offensive and defensive strategies (6:11-12). And where shall we find such strategies? We find them in the very next passage, that is, in the charge to the rich in 6:17-19. Here we are given an eternal perspective defining what it means to be truly rich. This perspective warns us of the dangers and inspires us with the responsibilities that come with being rich. When the dangers are heeded and the responsibilities embraced, we are those who find real gain and a firm grip on what is truly life.
Main Point: Rich Christians must set their hope on God by imitating God's generosity.
Discussion Questions:
- What is the relationship between contentment (6:6-8), the fight of faith (6:11-12) and the charge to the rich (6:17-19)?
- What dangers come with being rich (v.17)? Why must we be on guard against such dangers?
- God is described as one "who richly provides us everything to enjoy." What does this say about God? How should this fact about God shape how we use our wealth?
- Practically speaking, what might it look like to be ready to share?
- If rich Christians are not imitating God's generosity, what does that say about their hope?
- How does v.19 give us an eternal perspective on what it means to be truly rich? How should that perspective shape how we heed the dangers and embrace the responsibilities that come with being wealthy Christians?
- How am I practically imitating God's generosity in the use of my wealth?
- What practical steps can I take to be more ready to share generously with others?
- Praise God for the greatest display of His generosity--the gift of His own dear Son
- Praise Jesus for making an eternal investment by shedding His blood for us
- Ask God to help us flee the dangers of pride and false security that come with being rich
- Ask God to help us imitate His generosity by being rich in good works and ready to share our wealth for the good of others