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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Showing Proper Care in God's Family, Part 2 (1 Tim. 5:17-6:2)

OutlineShowing Proper Care in God’s Family, Part 2 (1 Tim. 5:17-6:2): 
  1. Case Study #2: How should we show proper care for elders?
  2. Case study #3: How should we show proper care for employers?
Summary:  After describing four marks of a good servant in vv.6-16, Paul tells Timothy that a good servant will intentionally adjust the way he relates to others within God's family in order to show proper care and respect for each person (5:1-2).  Paul then practically applies this basic principle for relationships to three different groups within the church (three "case studies"): widows (vv.3-16), elders (vv.17-25), and masters/employers (6:1-2). In this sermon we review the principle and consider how it is applied in Paul's examples of showing proper care for elders and employers.

Main Point: Christians should adjust the way they relate to others within God's family in order to show proper care and respect for each person.  This principle must shape how the church cares for elders and how individual Christians serve their employers.

Discussion Questions:
  • Review: What is the basic principle for relationships in the church set forth in vv.1-2?
  • How might honoring this principle serve the church's call to display the beauty of the gospel?
  • How should Christians think about providing financial support for elders who lead well and labor hard in preaching and teaching? (vv.17-18)
  • How should Christians think about church discipline in general and the discipline of an elder in particular? (vv.19-21)
  • Why is it so important to not be too hasty in appointing elders in the church? (vv.22-25)
  • How should Christians understand and apply passages speaking about slavery? (cf. Eph. 6:5-8; Col. 3:22-25; 1 Pet. 2:18-25).   
  • Who might showing proper respect for an employer serve to display the gospel?
Application Questions:
  • What practical ways can I honor God by showing honor and care for the elders of my church? 
  • What practical ways can I honor God by showing proper respect to my employer?
Prayer Points:
  • Praise God for adopting us into His family and for the blessing of being part of a local church
  • Praise Jesus for how He as shown His care for each of us by rescuing us from our sin and for sustaining us on this trial-filled journey to the Promised Land
  • Ask God to help us give faithfully and joyfully to the local church knowing that part of our giving is God's means of caring for those who lead well and labor hard in preaching of the gospel and the teaching of sound doctrine to strengthen the witness of the church 
  • Ask God to help us guard the name of Jesus by being willing to both give and receive correction for the good of our souls and the witness of this church
  • Ask God to help us to be very deliberate about showing proper respect for our employers and doubly so if our employer is a fellow believer