- Good servants must intentionally lead by their example (v.11-12)
- Good servants must diligently steward their gifts (vv.13-15)
- Good servants must vigilantly protect their integrity (v.16)
Main Point: Christians must diligently maintain the integrity of their character and teaching
Discussion Questions:
- Name the four marks of a good servant in vv.6-16. Which one stands out most? Why?
- Why is it so important to lead by example? How does setting a good example serve our brothers and sisters in the household of God?
- What would it look like to be devoted to the public reading and teaching of the Word of God?
- How would one avoid neglecting the gift they have?
- In what sense does vigilantly protecting one's integrity save others? (v.16)
- In what areas of my life am I setting a good example for other believers? In what areas of my life am I setting a poor example for other believers? How can I discipline myself to grow in these areas?
- How can I be more devoted to the public reading and teaching of the Word of God?
- How has God gifted me and how am I using my gift(s) to encourage and enrich my brothers and sisters in Christ?
- Confess to God any areas of your life you are setting a poor example of godliness or any ways you have neglected the gift(s) God has entrusted to you
- Praise Jesus, the ultimate Good Servant whose godliness saved us and now sanctifies us
- Praise Jesus for the privilege it is to be His servants
- Ask God to help us fan into flame the gift(s) He has entrusted to us
- Ask God to help us grasp more fully what is at stake protecting our integrity