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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Christian Contentment (1 Tim. 6:3-10)

OutlineChristian Contentment (1 Tim. 6:3-10): 
  1. Godliness with greed
  2. Godliness with contentment
Summary:  In 1 Tim. 6:3-10 Paul begins his conclusion to the letter by again taking up the topic of false teachers.  This text focuses not on the content of their teaching but on the motivations beneath their teaching.  For the false teachers, godliness was a means to a much more desirable end, namely, financial gain.  In other words it was greed, a desire to be rich, the love of money that was driving them.  For the true teacher, however, godliness with contentment is itself great gain.  Ironically, greed never results in real riches while contentment is the tranquil recognition that one is already rich in Christ.  When we remember how generous God has been toward us in Christ we find it quite reasonable to be content with the basics in this life.  We know the stuff of this world is temporary, but the riches we enjoy in Christ are eternal.

Main Point: It is contentment, not greed, that makes one truly rich.

Discussion Questions:
  • What are some of the characteristics of false teachers mentioned in this passage?
  • What is the distinguishing feature between false teachers and true teachers?
  • What effects stem from a greedy heart that is in love with money? (vv.4-5, 9-10)
  • What are some indicators in our lives that may suggest we have a love of money?
  • What are the basic necessities in v.8 that God says we are to be content with? How would God have us think about the abundance we experience as American Christians? 
  • How should the fact of v.7 shape the way we view our stuff? (cf. Job 1:21; Eccles. 5:15)
  • How is it that contentment makes one truly rich?
  • How do we see contentment modeled in the life of Christ?
  • How does Christian contentment find its roots in the gospel?
  • What does our contentment tell the world about Jesus? 
Application Questions:
  • What indicators in my life suggest that I may have a love of money?  
  • In what current circumstances am I most temped to be discontent?
  • What truths about God can help me fight for contentment? 
Prayer Points:
  • Praise God for the generosity He has shown us in Christ
  • Praise Jesus for becoming poor that we might become rich in Him
  • Praise God for how He has provided everything we need to live for His glory 
  • Ask God to help us to, by the Spirit, sever any root of greed or love of money in our lives
  • Ask God to help us fight greed with gratitude and discontent with contentment in Jesus
  • Ask God to help us be content with what we have and show the world how sufficient Jesus is

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Showing Proper Care in God's Family, Part 2 (1 Tim. 5:17-6:2)

OutlineShowing Proper Care in God’s Family, Part 2 (1 Tim. 5:17-6:2): 
  1. Case Study #2: How should we show proper care for elders?
  2. Case study #3: How should we show proper care for employers?
Summary:  After describing four marks of a good servant in vv.6-16, Paul tells Timothy that a good servant will intentionally adjust the way he relates to others within God's family in order to show proper care and respect for each person (5:1-2).  Paul then practically applies this basic principle for relationships to three different groups within the church (three "case studies"): widows (vv.3-16), elders (vv.17-25), and masters/employers (6:1-2). In this sermon we review the principle and consider how it is applied in Paul's examples of showing proper care for elders and employers.

Main Point: Christians should adjust the way they relate to others within God's family in order to show proper care and respect for each person.  This principle must shape how the church cares for elders and how individual Christians serve their employers.

Discussion Questions:
  • Review: What is the basic principle for relationships in the church set forth in vv.1-2?
  • How might honoring this principle serve the church's call to display the beauty of the gospel?
  • How should Christians think about providing financial support for elders who lead well and labor hard in preaching and teaching? (vv.17-18)
  • How should Christians think about church discipline in general and the discipline of an elder in particular? (vv.19-21)
  • Why is it so important to not be too hasty in appointing elders in the church? (vv.22-25)
  • How should Christians understand and apply passages speaking about slavery? (cf. Eph. 6:5-8; Col. 3:22-25; 1 Pet. 2:18-25).   
  • Who might showing proper respect for an employer serve to display the gospel?
Application Questions:
  • What practical ways can I honor God by showing honor and care for the elders of my church? 
  • What practical ways can I honor God by showing proper respect to my employer?
Prayer Points:
  • Praise God for adopting us into His family and for the blessing of being part of a local church
  • Praise Jesus for how He as shown His care for each of us by rescuing us from our sin and for sustaining us on this trial-filled journey to the Promised Land
  • Ask God to help us give faithfully and joyfully to the local church knowing that part of our giving is God's means of caring for those who lead well and labor hard in preaching of the gospel and the teaching of sound doctrine to strengthen the witness of the church 
  • Ask God to help us guard the name of Jesus by being willing to both give and receive correction for the good of our souls and the witness of this church
  • Ask God to help us to be very deliberate about showing proper respect for our employers and doubly so if our employer is a fellow believer

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Showing Proper Care in God’s Family Part 1 (1 Tim. 5:1-16)

OutlineShowing Proper Care in God’s Family Part 1 (1 Tim. 5:1-16): 
  1. Basic principle: Christians should adjust the way they relate to others within God's family in order to show proper care and respect for each person.
  2. Case study #1: How should we think about showing proper care for widows?
Summary:  After describing four marks of a good servant in vv.6-16, Paul tells Timothy that a good servant will intentionally adjust the way he relates to others within God's family in order to show proper care and respect for each person (5:1-2).  Paul then practically applies this basic principle for relationships to three different groups within the church (three "case studies"): widows (vv.3-16), elders (vv.17-25), and masters/employers (6:1-3). In this sermon we unpack the principle and how it is applied in Paul's first case study concerning showing proper care for widows within the church.

Main Point: Christians should adjust the way they relate to others within God's family in order to show proper care and respect for each person.  This principle should shape how the church cares for widows.

Discussion Questions:
  • What is the doctrine of adoption and how does it account for how we came to be part of God's family in the first place?
  • What is the basic principle for relationships in the church set forth in vv.1-2?
  • Exercise: take time to think through and discuss what it might look like to adjust the way one relates to others within God's family from each perspective listed (i.e. from the the perspective to the older men, younger men, etc). 
  • How might honoring this principle serve the church's call to display the beauty of the gospel?
  • What are the three basic qualifications that a widow must meet in order to be substantially supported by the church? Why are these qualifications important?
  • How should vv.3-8 shape how Christians think about their responsibility in showing proper care and respect for their aging parents?
Application Questions:
  • What would it look like for me to adjust the way I relate to each group mentioned in vv.1-2?
  • How can I best honor God by taking responsibility to care for my parents as they age?
Prayer Points:
  • Praise God adopting us into His family and for the blessing of being part of a local church
  • Ask God for wisdom to adjust the way we relate to others within God's family in order to show proper care and respect for each person
  • Ask God to help us honor Him by taking responsibility to care for our aging parents 
  • Ask God to help us be sensitive to and show care for all widows and to, when appropriate, make substantial provision for them. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

A Good Servant Part 2 (1 Tim. 4.11-16)

Outline: A Good Servant Part 2 (1 Tim. 4:11-16): 
  1. Good servants must intentionally lead by their example (v.11-12)
  2. Good servants must diligently steward their gifts (vv.13-15)
  3. Good servants must vigilantly protect their integrity (v.16)
Summary:  In vv. 6-10 we saw that good servants of Christ Jesus are those who willingly discipline themselves in order to grow in godliness.  In vv.11-16 Paul adds three more marks of a good servant: those who 1) lead by their example, 2) steward their gifts, and 3) protect their integrity.  And good servants carry out their responsibilities intentionally, diligently, and vigilantly because they know how much is at stake.

Main Point: Christians must diligently maintain the integrity of their character and teaching

Discussion Questions:
  • Name the four marks of a good servant in vv.6-16. Which one stands out most? Why?
  • Why is it so important to lead by example?  How does setting a good example serve our brothers and sisters in the household of God? 
  • What would it look like to be devoted to the public reading and teaching of the Word of God?
  • How would one avoid neglecting the gift they have?
  • In what sense does vigilantly protecting one's integrity save others? (v.16)  
Application Questions:
  • In what areas of my life am I setting a good example for other believers?  In what areas of my life am I setting a poor example for other believers?  How can I discipline myself to grow in these areas?
  • How can I be more devoted to the public reading and teaching of the Word of God?
  • How has God gifted me and how am I using my gift(s) to encourage and enrich my brothers and sisters in Christ?
Prayer Points:
  • Confess to God any areas of your life you are setting a poor example of godliness or any ways you have neglected the gift(s) God has entrusted to you
  • Praise Jesus, the ultimate Good Servant whose godliness saved us and now sanctifies us
  • Praise Jesus for the privilege it is to be His servants 
  • Ask God to help us fan into flame the gift(s) He has entrusted to us
  • Ask God to help us grasp more fully what is at stake protecting our integrity