- The Church's Character
- The Church's Confession
Main Point: The church upholds the greatness of her confession by means of her godly character
Discussion Questions:
- What do others say about the church?
- How would God have us see the church? Reflect on the three descriptions provided by Paul:
- The household of God
- The church of the living God
- A pillar and buttress of the truth
- What is the church's confession (cf. v.16)?
- What is the relationship between the church's character and the church's confession?
- Reflect on this statement: "The church does not create the truth; rather, the church is created by the truth and then called to uphold the truth."
- What part of this sermon was most helpful or instructive to you? Why?
- How do I think and feel about the church? Does my attitude toward God's church shaped more by the world or by God's word? Explain.
- Praise God for adopting us and making us part of his household
- Thank God our church family and the privilege it is to be part of it
- Pray God would help us to depend on and be upheld by the gospel
- Pray that God would enable us to support and elevate the gospel by living godly lives