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Outline: Hebrews 12:1-2
Three “Secrets” to Running with Endurance the
Race Set Before Us
Run Light (v.1)
Run for Joy (v.2)
Run Together (vv.1-2)
Summary: Like a stadium filled with cheering fans, we
are surrounded by a great multitude, vast “cloud of witnesses” whose legacies
testify of the faith it takes to run the race that is set before us (12:1, cf. Ch.11). The stage is set and
the follower of Christ gets one shot to run this race. In order to run this race well, the disciple
must learn three “secrets” to endurance:
run light, run for joy, and run together. First, we must run
light, that is, we must lay aside anything that would tend to slow us
down. Weight and sin bog the
Christian down and make running the Christian life a miserable experience. Second, we must run for joy just as Jesus did,
peering through our present pain and trial and difficulty to an unspeakably
glorious finish line ahead. Third,
we must run together, thinking of
this as our race not merely as my race. We run this race with an eye to the rest of our brothers and
sisters, doing all that we can to help them endure to the end.
Discussion Questions:
- What is the therefore there for in v.1 (Hint: the “Hall of Faith” in ch.11)? What is the significance of being surrounded by a “great cloud of witnesses”?
- What are sins of omission and sins of commission? How do these unconfessed sins affect Christians as they seek to run their race? Are their any sins in your life that remain unconfessed (cf. 1 John 1:9)?
- How is weight different from sin? What question do you tend to ask: “is ____ sin” or “does ____ help me run”? On a scale of 1-10, (1 being not very seriously and 10 being extremely seriously), how seriously do you consider the need to lay aside not just sin but also weight in your life? Are their any weights in your life that are hindering you from running well?
- What does it mean that Jesus is the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith?
- How did your Master run His race? What is the joy set before you? How is joy designed to help you endure your race?
- Reflect on this statement: “this is our race not merely my race.” Do you genuinely appreciate the fact that we are not meant to run the Christian race alone? In what ways are you currently making an intentional effort to be helped and to help others run the race?
Prayer Points:
- Pray that God would bring to mind any unconfessed sin in your life that you need to lay aside by confessing it (cf. 1 John 1:9). Take time to listen.
- Pray that God would bring to mind any unnecessary weight in your life and ask God for the strength to lay it aside so that you can run faster. Take time to listen.
- Ask God to help you to be a serious and passionate runner, one who is faithfully asking the question: “Does ______ help me run or does it slow me down?”
- Ask God to show you more of the glory and joy of what is to come, to help you run for joy, to look beyond your present difficulties to the breathtaking joy that awaits you.
- Thank God that there is a finish line and that Jesus has paved the way.
- Thank God for the brothers and sisters that He is allowing you to run this race with.
- Ask God for wisdom as to how you can intentionally encourage others as they seek to run their race.