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Outline: “Eavesdropping” on Three Conversations (Luke
1. Conversation #1 (vv.57-58)
2. Conversation #2 (vv.59-60)
3. Conversation #3 (vv.61-62)
Summary: In obedience to his Father, Jesus sets his
face toward Jerusalem where he will take up his cross. Along the way, Jesus calls people to
follow him as his disciples. In our passage, we hear three conversations happening
along the way and by “eavesdropping” we get to glean more about the nature of
true discipleship. Jesus tells us about the necessity of active obedience and
kingdom priorities, about mature expectations and the call to not look back.
Everyday Jesus is saying, “follow me” and we have the opportunity to say, “you
are my priority.”
Key points:
Disciples are to be mature, not naïve in their expectations
Disciples are to be people of active obedience not mere good
Disciples are to recognize that delayed obedience is disobedience
Disciples are to set kingdom priorities above
all other priorities
Disciples are to focus on kingdom work and not look back
Discussion Questions:
In the first conversation (9:57-58), Jesus seems
to detect some naivety or ignorance.
What can we learn from Jesus’ response that may help us mature in our
expectations of what it means to follow him? How might your own expectations need to change in light of
Jesus’ words?
What is the difference between good intentions
and active obedience?
In the
last two conversations (vv.59-60, 61-62) we see the word “but” show up in the
responses to Jesus’ command “follow me.”
What does this word signal?
Interact with this statement: “delayed obedience is disobedience.” Are there areas in your life where
Jesus is saying, “follow me” and you are delaying?
In each
of the last two conversations (vv.59-60, 61-62) we see the word “first” show
up. What does this word
signal? What do Jesus’ responses
teach us about the kingdom and how it should be prioritized in our lives? Are kingdom priorities taking a “back
seat” to any other priority in your life?
Why is it
so important not to look back?
What would it look like for you to focus on kingdom work at home? In
your work place? In your relationships with unbelievers? In your relationship with fellow