Day 7: God "Rested" from His Finished Work (Gen. 2:1-3)
- The Pattern of Rest
- The Path of Rest
- The Promise of Rest
Summary: Everything in creation that we have consider thus far has been building up to Day 7, the day when God said that he "rested" from his finished work. God set a pattern in Gen. 2:1-3 that would be returned to again and again as the story of the Bible unfolds. The pattern of God finishing his work, resting from his work, making the seventh day a special day all on a day that seems to have no end sets us on a path for rest that we find out leads to a Person, Jesus Christ, who can provide real and lasting rest. So a rest still remains for the people of God. This rest is promised to the people of God. It is a rest that we are to look forward to and strive to enter by persevering in faith.
Main Point: We must persevere in faith by looking back on what Jesus has done (his finished work on the cross) and looking forward to what he promises to do (provide full and final rest).
Discussion Questions:
- Read Gen. 2:1-3 and identify these four features of the patter of rest: God finished his work, God "rested" from his work, God made the seventh day a special day, and God's rest is an unending rest.
- What refrain is absent on Day 7 that signaled the completion of Days 1-6? What is the significance of this omission?
- Where does the path of rest lead us? (See Matt. 11:28-30)
- Is there a future rest promised for Christians? Explain. (See Hebrews 3:7-4:13, esp. 4:8-9)
- How should Christians who are no longer under the Law seek to honor the pre-fall pattern modeled by God in Gen. 2:1-3? What is the significance of the New Testament pattern of Christians meeting on the Lord's Day (i.e. Sunday, or the first day of the week)?
Application Questions:
- Am I making good use of the gift of rest that God has modeled for me and has given to me for my refreshment?
- From what I learned in this sermon, how can I best persevere in faith
- Praise God for the finished work of Christ and how it has secured ultimate rest for us
- Praise God for the promise of future rest from our labors that we get to look forward to
- Ask God to help us make good use of the weekly rhythm of rest that God has modeled for us and given to us for our refreshment
- Ask God to help us persevere in faith by looking back on the finished work of Christ and looking forward to to future rest