Outline: The Believer's Power for Gospel Work (2 Tim. 1:1-7):
- Paul encourages Timothy: (vv.3-5)
- Paul exhortes Timothy (vv.6-7)
Summary: 2 Timothy is the last New Testament letter Paul wrote and is unique in light of the timing and context in which he wrote it. Paul, a faithful and fearless gospel preacher, wrote from prison as he awaited his execution. Paul had fought the good fight and had finished his race well (4:6-8). 2 Timothy was written to help Timothy (and every follower of Jesus) do as Paul did: run well and finish well. 2 Timothy is a call to faithful endurance in the face of the suffering and opposition that inevitably come to those who love Jesus and love lost sinners enough to go on boldly living and speaking the gospel. In many ways 2 Tim. 1-7 is meant to provide a strong dose of personal encouragement that will motivate Timothy to live out everything Paul will say in the rest of the letter. And with this personal encouragement also came the challenging reminder that we have received a gift and that we have a responsibility to make full use of that gift. God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit and has called us to treat the Spirit like a sacred flame that must be kindled by courage not quenched by fear.
Main Point: We are to treat the gift of the Holy Spirit like a Sacred Flame that must be kindled by courage not quenched by fear.
Discussion Questions:
- What do you think Paul is intending to accomplish by writing 2 Tim. 1:1-7? How might these verses flavor the rest of this letter?
- What is it that Paul sees in Timothy that makes him grateful to God in prayer (vv.3-5)?
- What is the gift of God and how should Timothy treat that gift (v.6)?
- What might it look like for one to quench the Spirit by acting out of fear?
- What might it look like for one to kindle the Spirit by walking in the power, love and self-control that characterize the Spirit?
- In what ways do I tend to quench the Spirit out of fear?
- What would it look like for me to courageously kindle the Sacred Flame, the Holy Spirit, in my spheres of influence (relationships at home, church, work, etc)?
- Praise God saving us and giving us the gift of the Holy Spirit to empower us for gospel work
- Confess any ways you are currently walking in fear and thus quenching the Spirit in your life
- Ask God to help you overcome fear in your life and step out of your comfort zone
- Ask God help us treat the gift of the Holy Spirit like a Sacred Flame that must be kindled by courageously walking in the power, love, and self-control supplied by the Spirit