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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Men and Women in the Church (1 Tim. 2:8-15)

Outline: Men and Women in the Church (1 Tim. 2:8-15): 
  1. Gospel effects on men in the local church
  2. Gospel effects on women in the local church
Summary:  Just as we saw that the gospel is meant to inform the scope of our prayers (2:1-7), so now we see that the gospel is meant to shape the contours of how men and women live and relate to one another in the local church (2:8-15).  The gospel has implications. The gospel has effects.  It doesn't just save us, it also transforms us.  As Paul said in 1 Cor. 6:20-21, "You are not your own, for you were bought with a price, so glorify God with your body." The same logic is applied here.  Jesus paid your ransom and now He serves as the Mediator between you and God almighty; thereforeglorify God by living as men and women who are marked by godliness and a deep reverence for God's order within His household.  

Main Point:  Men and women should allow the gospel to effect the way they live the Christian life

Discussion Questions:
  • What is the logical significance of the word "then" in v.8? 
  • What does it mean that men should pray, lifting holy hands? (cf. Ps. 24:4; Isa. 1:15; Job 17:9)
  • Read vv.9-10 then describe and discuss the five points on the "Modesty Spectrum":  1) dress to impress, 2) dress to seduce, 3) dress without thinking, 4) dress intentionally modest for the glory of Christ, 5) dress extravagantly with every good work (cf. 5:9-10).
  • How are modesty, self-control, and good works related to one another? 
  • Discuss this statement: all of us are under various layers of authority and are called to recognize and humbly respect God-given authority in our lives.
  • What heart attitude should characterize how a woman learns in the church? (v.11)
  • Why is a woman not permitted to teach or exercise authority over a man? (vv.12-13)
  • What is the most probably interpretation of v.15 according to pastor Brandon? (v.15)
Application Questions:
  • Am I currently expressing outward devotion to God while lacking integrity of heart and life?   
  • What category do I find myself in when it comes to the issue of modesty: 1) I dress to impress, 2) I dress to seduce, 3) I dress without thinking, 4) I dress intentionally modest for the glory of Christ, 5) or aim to dress extravagantly with every good work I can (cf. 5:9-10)? Explain.
  • How can I dress in a way that does not seek to impress others with costly clothes, name brands, fads, fringe fads etc?   
  • How can I dress in a way that does not accentuate (or expose) the contours of my body, especially the most intimate parts?
Prayer Points:
  • Confess to God any sin that is tainting your worship.
  • Praise Jesus for His integrity of heart and life that make it possible for you to continually approach God with clean hands and a pure heart.
  • Ask God to empower you by the Holy Spirit to live an integrity-filled life so that you can lift holy hands before Him in a lifestyle of worship. 
  • Ask God to help us be a people who respect God-given authority in our lives, especially in the church as the household of the living God.  
  • Pray that we would not be swayed by our culture and its sad confusion over gender God and that we would joyfully honor God's good design for men and women.