- The call to wage the good warfare
- The means meant to help us wage the good warfare
- The result of failing to wage the good warfare
- Application
Main Point: We must wage the good warfare, a type of warfare that begins in the heart!
Discussion Questions:
- What is the charge being entrusted to Timothy? (cf. vv.3-7)
- Why do you think Paul uses military language (charge/order, warfare)?
- What means or provisions must Timothy utilize in order to wage the good warfare?
- What does it mean to hold the "faith"? To maintain a "good conscience"? What is the relationship between faith and a good conscience? (v.19)
- How might a culture of discipleship help believers maintain a good conscience?
- Ponder this statement: "Every time the flag of love is raised, a battle has been won in the heart."
- How does one make shipwreck of his or her faith (v.19)?
- What can we learn about church discipline from from v.20?
- Do I see my Christian life as a call to wage the good warfare? Explain.
- Is there anything I am currently doing that my conscience is uneasy about?
- How is the death of Jesus good news when I have a troubled conscience?
- Praise Jesus for waging the good warfare on our behalf and empowering us to do likewise
- Confess anything you are currently doing that is troubling your conscience
- Ask God to help you and your church family to maintain clear consciences and to come to him honestly and quickly when our consciences are troubled
- Ask the Holy Spirit to make unbelievers in your spheres of influence aware of their sin and to empower you to tell them the good news about Jesus and the power of his blood to cover shame and guilt and to purify consciences