- Affirmation (v.13)
- Rebukes (vv.14-15)
- Correction (v.16a)
- Warning (vv.16b)
- Promises (v.17)
Summary: We now focus our study on Jesus' letter to the church in Pergamum. While affirmed for clinging to Jesus in the face of persecution, Pergamum was sharply rebuked for the fact that some among them were compromising both in terms of lifestyle and doctrine. These compromises, like all compromises, start to become a stumbling block to others within the church and dim the overall witness of the church. Therefore, Jesus calls the church to repent, to turn away from all such compromises lest He war against them with the sword of His mouth.
Main Point: Jesus calls all churches and all christians to conquer, to express loyalty to Him by rejecting all forms of compromise.
Main Point: Jesus calls all churches and all christians to conquer, to express loyalty to Him by rejecting all forms of compromise.
Discussion Questions:
- What effect should the words "I know" have on the church in Pergamum? (v.13)
- What is significant about "Satan's throne" being in the place were Pergamum is? (v.13)
- What is Pergamum affirmed for? (v.13) How might this encourage and spur on other churches?
- What is Pergamum rebuked for (vv.14-15)?
- Read Num. 31:16 and 25:1-9 (cf. Num. 22-25). How should this OT event regarding Balaam's advice and Israel's rebellion serve as a warning to churches?
- Why did Jesus call the entire church to repent when only "some" were compromising? (v.16a)
- What will Jesus do to those within the church if they do not repent (v.16b)?
- What promises does Jesus set before those who reject all forms of compromise and follow Him faithfully? (v.17)
- How loyal am I to Jesus?
- What compromises am I currently making or am I tempted to make? What would repentance look like for me? In other words, what must I do to heed Jesus' warning?
- Am I aware of compromises in the lives of others in the church that need to be addressed? Make a plan for how to address them biblically.
- How can Jesus' promises of hidden manna and a white stone spur me on to greater faithfulness?
- Praise God for the promise of hidden manna to sustain us throughout this life and for the white stone inviting us to enjoy the life to come
- Thank Jesus for loving us enough to warn us against dangerous compromises that can plague us spiritually
- Ask God to help you, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to conquer any compromises you currently face and to become a more loyal follower of Jesus
- Ask God for wisdom as to how to best address any compromises that you see in the lives of your brothers and sisters at FBC