- Who we are
- What we do
Summary: This week we held the gospel "diamond" up to the light, turned it, and gazed at its beauty from 1 Peter 2:9-10. Here Peter draws rich and lavish language from the Old Testament and applies it to the blood-bought, Jesus-trusting, new covenant people of God. Yes it is those who submit to Jesus by faith that Peter refers to as a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession. As a fulfillment of His OT promises, God made a new covenant with a new people who will render renewed spiritual worship to the One who has redeemed them by the precious blood of Jesus.
Main Point: We are a chosen, privileged, and set apart people who belong to God.
Main Point: We are a chosen, privileged, and set apart people who belong to God.
Discussion Questions:
- What does it mean that we are a "chosen race" and on what basis are we chosen?
- How does being a "chosen race" relate to being a "holy nation"?
- How is God possessive in the best sense of the term?
- What does it mean that we are a "royal priesthood"? Why is this such a privilege?
- What are we to do in light of who we are?
- What are some of God's excellencies?
Application Questions:
- What effect should the design of divine election have on me (i.e. that God created a new race and chose me to be part of it on the sole basis of His own goodness and love)?
- To what degree am I allowing who God says that I am (e.g. a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession) shape how I view myself?
- What spiritual service am I offering to God?
- Praise God for some of His excellencies
- Praise God for choosing you in Christ before the foundation of the world to be part of a new race made up of people from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.
- Praise God for making you holy through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and for His loving ownership over your life.
- Ask God to help you to live a holy, set apart lifestyle that is noticeably different from the unbelievers around you, a lifestyle marked by a continual offering of spiritual sacrifices and a natural and habitual proclamation of God's excellencies.