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Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Importance of Meditating on the Gospel (2 Pet. 1:3-11)

  1. Strategies for meditating on Scripture
  2. The importance of meditating on the gospel
Summary: Last week we considered the necessity of biblical meditation and set out a general framework for understanding it.  This week we get more practical.  The first part of the sermon provides strategies for how we can go about meditating on Scripture.  The last part of the sermon focuses on the foundational importance of meditating on the gospel in particular.  In 2 Peter 1:8-9 we see that forgetting the gospel is the cause of ineffectiveness and unfruitfulness in the Christian life. But it is encouraging to realize that if forgetting the gospel stunts our growth, then remembering the gospel will stimulate our growth.   

Main Point: The habit of remembering the gospel through biblical meditation will increase our effectiveness and fruitfulness in the Christian life.

Discussion Questions:
  • What three parts make up a balanced definition of biblical meditation?
  • Why is it necessary for Christians to practice biblical meditation?
  • What general or specific strategies for meditation do you find most challenging?
  • What specific strategies for meditating on Scripture have you found helpful in the past?
  • What specific strategies would you like to put into practice and why?
  • Discuss this statement: "there is no such thing as neutral in the Christian life."
  • What causes us to be spiritually ineffective or unfruitful?
  • What habit would increase our effectiveness and fruitfulness in the Christian life?  
  • How much energy should be given to meditating on the gospel in particular? Why?
Application Questions:
  • What specific strategies should I utilize in order to deepen my meditation on Scripture?
  • How can I use this sermon series to help me cultivate the habit of meditating on the gospel? 
  • If meditation on the gospel became a habit in my life, what effects might it have on me?
Prayer Points:
  • Confess any unfruitfulness that has resulted from your failure to remember the gospel.
  • Thank God for the blessing of learning the importance of meditating on the gospel.
  • Praise God that the day is coming when your mind will always be filled with pure and noble thoughts, your heart with intense and holy feelings, and your life with perfect obedience.  
  • Ask God to grow your capacity and sharpen your ability to meditate on His Word.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help you cultivate the habit of remembering the gospel.