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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Recognizing False Prophets (Matt. 7:15-20)

Outline: Matthew 7:15-20
  1. What are false prophets like? (v.15)
  2. How do we recognize false prophets? (v.16-18, 20)
  3. Where are false prophets going? (v.19)
Summary: When we connect Jesus' call to enter by the narrow gate and travel the hard road (7:12-14) with the command to beware of false prophets (7:15-20), we realize that Jesus is telling us that there are people who will point us to a wider gate and tempt us with promises of an easier road. These false prophets are like wolves dressed like sheep, seeking to deceive and destroy (v.15).  Jesus will eventually destroy such people (v.20), but, in the meantime, Jesus protects His sheep by telling them how to see through such deception by recognizing their bad fruit (vv.16-18, 20).

Main Point: Beware of false prophets.

Discussion Questions:
  • What is the relationship between 7:13-14 and 7:15-20? 
  • According to v.15, what are false prophets like?
  • What does the fact that Jesus gave this warning say about the type of Shepherd He is?
  • According to vv.16-18 & 20, how do we recognize false prophets?
  • What types of bad fruit might help us discern the true identity of false prophets?
  • Reflect on this statement: "Sheep, not just shepherds, must beware of false prophets."
  • Where are false prophets going in the end (v.19)? Why?
Application Questions:
  • How discerning am I when it comes to knowing false prophets by their fruit?  
  • Are there any teachings that I'm listening to or people I'm influenced by that may fail the fruit test?  
  • Am I acting more like a wolf than a sheep? In other words, is my influence (my actions and attitudes) having positive effects or negative effects on people around me?
  • What kind of fruit am I bearing? What parts of my life need pruning in order to bear more and better fruit (cf. Jn. 15:1-8)?
Prayer Points:
  • Confess ways you are acting more wolf-like than sheep-like in your attitudes and actions.
  • Thank Jesus, the Good Shepherd, for standing between you and ravenous wolves, for laying His life down that you might be spared.  
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to increase your powers of discernment, to help you train yourself to distinguish good from evil.