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Monday, April 25, 2016

Anxiety-Free Christianity (Matt. 6:25-34)

Outline: Matthew 6:25-34
  1. The causes of anxiety
  2. The cures for anxiety
In the last passage, Matt. 6:19-24, Jesus called us to a life of single-minded, whole-hearted devotion to God.  We have seen that this will look like a lifestyle aimed at piling up good works fueled by pure motives. In this sermon on Matt. 6:25-34, Jesus anticipates that God's children will be tempted to anxiety when they give their Father their complete loyalty.  Jesus calls His followers to a life of single-minded devotion buttressed by a robust child-like trust in their Father's care for them.  One way to mine this text is to consider Jesus' words as explaining both the causes and cures for anxiety.  

Discussion Questions:
  • What is the relationship between the call for single -minded devotion (vv.19-24) and the command "do not be anxious" (vv.25-34)?
  • What are other words that are synonymous with the term "anxiety"?
  • Discuss the following causes for anxiety: 
    • Anxiety is caused by a warped perspective on what your life is all about
    • Anxiety is caused by an even deeper sickness—unbelief 
    • Anxiety is caused by unholy ambition (misplaced priorities)
    • Anxiety is caused by dragging tomorrow's troubles into today
  • Why is anxiety incompatible with common sense?
  • Discuss the cures for anxiety: 
    • Anxiety is cured by a God-centered perspective on what life is all about
    • Anxiety is cured by a deep faith, a robust trust in God's Fatherly care for you
    • Anxiety is cured by seeking first God’s kingdom and His righteousness 
    • Anxiety is cured by pushing anxiety off another day
  • How might obedience to the teachings from last week and this week bring about a sweet sense of simplicity in one's life?
Application Questions:
  • What circumstances in my life as of late have become a context for my anxiety?
  • What causes of anxiety seem particularly relevant to my case?
  • What is God prescribing in order to cure your anxiety?
  • What might life look like if I followed the Dr.'s orders?
Prayer Points:
  • Humble yourself before God by casting all your anxieties on Him because he cares for you 
  • Thank God for adopting you in Christ that you may live happily content in His Fatherly care 
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to remember that you are not an orphan but a well-loved child of God who can always cry out "Abba, Father" and your Father will hear your cries