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Monday, March 21, 2016

Praying in Light of Our Real Needs

Outline: Matthew 6:11-15
  1. Petition #4: Provision (v.11)
  2. Petition #5: Pardon (vv.12, 14-15)
  3. Petition #6: Protection (v.13)
Summary: Jesus teaches us to pray by giving us an example, a model prayer known as the Lord's Prayer (6:9-15).  The Lord's model prayer includes six petitions that are to be infused into our everyday prayers, shaping our communion with our heavenly Father.  The first three petitions teach us pray in light of our Father's top priorities: His glory, His kingdom, and His will.  In the last three petitions Jesus teaches us to pray in light our real needs: provision, pardon, and protection. It is when the Father's priorities become our priorities that we we are able to discern what our real needs are and to confidently ask our heavenly Father to meet those needs.

Discussion Questions:
  • Review: What does it mean that the Lord's Prayer is a model prayer?
  • Review: What is the basic structure of the Lord's Prayer? Significance? 
  • Review: What two truths must we keep in mind when addressing God in prayer? (v.9) 
  • What is meant by "daily bread" and how should the Father's priorities shape these prayers?
  • How does asking God for forgiveness relate to forgiving others?  
  • What is the relationship between "lead us not into temptation" and "deliver us from evil"?
  • Discuss this statement: "God tests, Satan tempts."
Application Questions:
  • To what extent are my Father's priorities shaping my prayers?
  • How aware am I of my real needs?  
  • Do my prayers align more with what think I need or what God knows I need? Explain.
  • Am I withholding forgiveness from anyone?  If so, how might this me effecting my relationship with God in general and my prayer life in particular?
  • In what areas of my life do I tend to fail often when tempted and thus need extra protection?
Prayer Points:
  • Confess to God your tendency to pray in light of your priorities instead of God's and your wants instead of your real needs.  
  • Praise Jesus, the Bread of Life, who has come to satisfy your deepest needs.
  • Thank God for providing so bountifully, above and beyond the basic necessities of life.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help more consistently pray in light of your real needs.