- The analogy
- The reality
- How should the fact that the analogy has become our reality shape our lives?
Summary: God often uses analogies in order to tell us more about himself. In Isaiah 62:5b, God tells us about the joy He has in his people by using a comparison: "I have joy in my people like a bridegroom rejoices over his bride on their wedding day." But how can a pure and righteous God rejoice over a polluted and unrighteous people? He can't and he won't. His integrity won't allow it, which is why God sent Jesus to die on the cross to bridge the massive gap between His perfection and our imperfection. The cross is our bridge to God, for it is there that we are forgiven and accepted by God though faith in Jesus Christ. The cross of Christ is the explanation for why God can rejoice over people like us and the assurance that God does in fact rejoice over us like a bridegroom rejoices over his bride. Because of Jesus, the analogy has become our reality. Because of Jesus, God rejoices over us. The result is that God's joy over us is like a song (Zeph. 3:17) that never skips, a song that God wants us to hear and wants us to help others to hear.
Discussion Questions:
- What is an analogy and why does God use them?
- What is God teaching us about himself by using this analogy?
- Can a pure and righteous God rejoice over a polluted and unrighteous people? Explain.
- How does the analogy become a reality in our lives?
- How are we forgiven and accepted by God through faith in Jesus Christ? Explain these terms.
- God's joy over us is like a song that never skips. How should this fact shape our lives? As individuals? As married couples? As brothers and sisters in Christ? As those called to reach out to unbelievers?
- What would it look like to make gospel meditation a habit/discipline in our lives?
- In light of the gospel, what does God think about you? How does God feel toward you?
Application Questions:
- How attuned am I to hearing God's song?
- What types of things am I doing that are hindering me from hearing God's song?
- What types of things am I doing that are helping me to hear God's song?
- What changes must be made in order for me to hear God's song more clearly and consistently?
- What fellow believers can I refresh by reminding them of God's song over their lives?
- What unbeliever(s) can I tell about the forgiveness and acceptance offered through Jesus?
Prayer Points:
- Confess ways in which you are hindering yourself and/or others from hearing God's song.
- Praise God that you are forgiven and accepted because of Jesus.
- Praise God that He never ceases to sing over you because of Jesus.
- Ask God to help you make changes that will enable you to more clearly and consistently hear His song even in the face of sin struggles, trials, and less-than-ideal circumstances.
- Ask God to help you to help others hear His song.