Authority Anticipated (5:1-2)
Authority Experienced (7:28-29)
Summary: After his baptism and
victory over temptations in the wilderness, Jesus chose his first disciples and
began his public ministry (Matt. 3-4).
Jesus started teaching, preaching, and healing with the result that his
“fame spread” and “great crowds followed him” from virtually every surrounding
region (4:25). As the crowds drew near to the mountain, Jesus saw them and took
his seat on the mountain (5:1).
And with an air of solemnity and anticipation, the God-Man began to
teach (5:2). By the end of the
sermon, the crowds were astonished, awestruck by the message, but more than
that, by the Messenger himself
(7:28-29). Why? Because Jesus taught with a unique, yes even
a heavenly authority. Jesus
taught with an unmatched confidence and clarity, a level of dignity and depth that
left a deep impression on the hearts of his hearers.
Discussion Questions:
- Describe the context in general and where the crowds come from in particular (cf. 4:25).
- Who is Jesus teaching and where do you see this in the text (hint: there are two groups)?
- How did the crowds respond to Jesus’ sermon (7:28)? Why that response? (7:29)?
- What does this teach us about the uniqueness of Jesus?
Application Questions:
- How should what you learned about Jesus’ authority effect the way you think about and respond to the teaching on the Sermon on the Mount in the weeks and months ahead?
- How have you been responding to the authority of God’s Word as of late?
- Applying the gospel: How should the truth that Jesus alone has authority to forgive sin affect the way we deal with our failures, shame, and guilt?
- Has Jesus’ authority made you bolder in talking to others about the things of God? How can a renewed understanding of Jesus’ authority help you grow in boldness?
Prayer Points:
- Praise Jesus that he alone has authority to forgive your sins and that he has done so!
- Confess to God any failures to honor Jesus’ authority in your life.
- Ask God to help you be regularly astonished by and submissive to his Word.