- Rebuke (vv.14-17)
- Correction (vv.18-20)
- Promise (vv.21-22)
Summary: We now focus our study on Jesus' final letter, His letter to the church in Laodicea. Laodicea, of all the churches, was perhaps the most unhealthy. They were so self-deceived and so self-reliant that they failed realize just how disgusting their spiritual condition had become. In a word: Laodicea was lukewarm and Jesus was sickened when he "tasted" the stagnant waters of their halfhearted devotion. Jesus counsels them to come to Him as the true source of all value, security and vision. Jesus then lovingly urges them to repent in earnest, so that they can again enjoy Him in genuine fellowship.
Main Point: All churches and Christians are called to conquer their lukewarmness by earnestly repenting of it and by coming to Jesus as the source of all value, security, and vision.
Main Point: All churches and Christians are called to conquer their lukewarmness by earnestly repenting of it and by coming to Jesus as the source of all value, security, and vision.
Discussion Questions:
- How does Laodicea's witness compare to Jesus' track record as the "faithful witness"?
- What is it about Laodicea that Jesus finds so repulsive? (vv.15-16)
- How do lukewarmness (v.16), self-sufficiency and self-deceit (v.17) relate to one another?
- What is Jesus counseling the Laodiceans to do in v.18?
- Reread 3:14-22. Do Jesus words strike you as loving? Explain (cf. v.19; Heb. 12:5-11).
- What does the picture of Jesus knocking at the door teach us about what Jesus is like? (v.20)
- What promise does Jesus motivate the church with in v.21?
- Do I consider Jesus words in 3:14-22 to be loving? Why or why not?
- Is there any evidence of self-sufficiency or lukewarmness in my life? Explain.
- Am I looking to Jesus as the source of value, security, and vision in my life? Explain.
- How does Jesus want me to respond if I have been lukewarm?
- According to v.20, how willing is Jesus to fellowship with me after I have sinned?
- Confess any self-sufficiency or lukewarmness God has exposed in your life
- Praise Jesus for loving us enough to say hard things to us and to call us to repentance
- Praise Jesus for loving us enough to pursue fellowship with us after we have dishonored Him
- Acknowledge Jesus as the true source of value, security, and vision
- Ask God to help you conquer lukewarmness and to be faithful in our devotion to Him